Riding Resistance: Soul Shifterz MC Page 10
I’m not sure if he’s upset, but I’m explaining myself as if he were because confusion begins to settle on his face. At least I can read that expression. Although I don’t know what else to say in this moment.
His voice breaks free finally and is accompanied by the slightest crack as he clears his throat. “Why?”
His face finally breaking free of the canvas I had indeed painted of that sunset five years ago. Also a copy of the same picture he’d taken of me that Roxie had torn. I had a copy printed for myself and also had it framed.
Before I can answer his question, he asks another, “Is this why you were hugging that suitcase your first night back? I’m just trying to understand this.”
I can feel my cheeks getting flush. “Yes. Yes, I was hugging that suitcase because these were the only two things in it-as you now know. When I was arrested I was worried they’d somehow get destroyed in the heat, hell I don’t know. Why, you ask? I guess the painting signified the last memory I thought I’d ever share again with you.” I shrug looking down. “I had two copies of that picture you’d taken of me. Photography is art, Justice. I framed it not because I love framed pictures of my damn self, but because you took it. It’s your art. The way you saw me that day. You decided the angle, and the moment you wanted captured. I was able to finally see myself through your eyes. These things signified the two most important things to me-you and art.”
I can feel myself getting all stupid and emotional as tears prick the back of my eyes and I don’t wanna get all gushy. “Anyway, enough about me boring you with all this art business.”
Now it’s really awkward as he sits there emotionless, and expressionless yet again. Further making me feel like a fool.
“I’ll just put these back. It’s silly, I know,” I say grabbing the canvas first.
He gently grabs my wrist, stopping me. “Don’t. Leave them out.” He looks up at me and I swear I see nothing but love in his eyes. He stands up looking down and locking eyes with me.
“I was wrong. For that, I’m sorry,” he says running a hand through my hair as I lean into him closing my eyes at his gentleness.
“I never understood art, or why you were so fascinated with it. I finally see it now, Jen. I think I finally understand.” He pulls me inward and kisses the top of my forehead fiercely, as if it’s an unspoken apology.
“Well, we just have to keep these put up. Who knows what Roxie will do if she sees them,” I say sternly.
Justice places the tiny framed picture on his nightstand. “This will stay here for now. And let’s leave the canvas out too. It’s beautiful, babe. It’s you. It’s me.”
“But what if Roxie…”
He shakes his head. “Shhh, don’t even say her fucking name. Plus, we get to go home tomorrow. I was gonna surprise you in the morning, but now seems like a good time.”
For a moment, I think I just imagined what he’d just said before it hit me. “Really!” My excitement overwhelms me.
Shaking his head. “Yes babe, really. You’re coming home with me. I’ve already talked to Pres. We still have to spend most of our days here at the clubhouse for a bit longer, but we get to go home.”
Throwing my arms around him, I press my lips firmly to his as he twirls me around once. My heart is singing and dancing. I love this man so much. I always have.
“I love you Jenalyn Strong. You’re mine and always have been,” he whispers in my ear sending touches of tingly goose bumps down my face and arms.
I pull away. “What did you just say?” His declaration takes me by complete surprise. I was just thinking about how much I love this man, and he professes his for me.
Excitement courses through my body. My heart does a few flip flops before I finally gain the courage to reply. “I love your sexy ass, too,” I tell him as I grab and stroke his large tatted biceps.
Tilting his head and smiling at me he lets out a small laugh. “Oh my stubborn girl.” He begins stroking my hair again and looking fiercely into my eyes. “You’re mine and always have been. Nothing will change that. Not time, not distance. Not a damn thing. Now let’s get ready for bed.” He seals our admitted and professed love with a soft, deep kiss. I love that me, and only me, will ever get to see this side of him. Solely reserved for me, as he has made evident.
He throws me one of his T-shirts. “Put this on. I didn’t finish going through your stuff after I found the picture and painting. I was afraid I would actually find that designer dog and it would just ruin everything.”
Smacking him on the arm, I let out a brief laugh. “Smart ass!”
I can hardly wait to see his house. I bet it’s all bachelor pad-ish and empty beer cans everywhere.
He slips his towel off and boxer briefs on, and we climb into bed. I lay my head on his chest and listen to the continual strum of his heartbeat while he gently twists and runs his fingers through my hair until I fall asleep.
Chapter 12
Fuck. I barely slept last night even though my whole world was sleeping safely right beside to me.
Today Pres is gonna tell her some of what was discussed in our meeting. Pres knows about Dane now. The whole fucking club knows and I hate that for her. Even our sister club brothers from Blazin’ Souls know. They offered to help us out, but Pres looked at me and knew I wanted to handle these fuckers myself. At the very least, with the minimal amount of help as possible.
Apparently when Burkes called Pres, he stated he had some info that possibly means Jenalyn could be in danger. Naturally, he rallied in all of our brothers just in case.
The combination of the words Jenalyn and danger is not something he takes lightly for obvious reasons. I feel the same for my very own obvious reasons.
Burkes had been doing a little investigation of his own on Littlejohn, ever since the way Littlejohn had treated Jen her first day back in town. He’d stumbled upon some vague texts from someone in Littlejohn’s phone with the initials B.D.L. Apparently Littlejohn was supposed to be keeping close tabs on this mystery person’s girl here in Sundown.
The dates coincided with Jen’s return. Not to mention the not so vague messages that Littlejohn proudly declared how he’d arrested her. The rest made me so ill I couldn’t even finish reading the bullshit. I threw a glass across the room in a fit of anger.
Pres had so many questions and I had to come clean. Burkes is keeping a close eye on Littlejohn until we sort this all out. We all agree that this mystery person has to be the soon to be dead motherfucker who hurt my girl in California. How and why they are connected, is another story. We haven’t figured that shit out just yet. It sure does explain a lot in my mind, though. Also could explain the fucking hassle Littlejohn seems to give me, and only me when I’m out. I will crush his ass for his involvement in hurting my girl.
Pres smashed the wooden table so hard with his fist, it splintered all the way down the center. Plagued with guilt of his own he drank with a sense of urgency-straight from the bottle of moonshine. Downed a half bottle like it was fresh water.
He even grabbed me by up by my rag and made me pledge on my life I’d protect her at all cost, and forever. That alone made me feel uneasy. Something about the look in his eyes. It confused me for a bit as he damn well knows I already will. Hell, it was his idea to pair us off her first day back knowing damn well if given the choice I would’ve refused. Guess he really did know what she and I knew all along but had been resisting. That if ever we were put in a dangerous situation, we’d both kill to protect each other. That is exactly what we did when the clubhouse was riddled with bullets.
As much as I hate that for her, having to get her hands dirty and all, this is who she is. That other part of her life is second nature. All the art, pink suitcases, and God forbid any frilly bullshit is not her deep down. I have a newfound respect for her love of art and photography. Sucks I had to learn the hard way, but I’ve learned every piece of my girl the hard way.
Hell, all the brothers were in fits of rag
e at this revelation. Joker even played it off as if it were his first time hearing it. I thanked his ass afterward. He knows I would never let anything happen to her. I will get her revenge.
I guess the most shocking fit of rage I didn’t expect was from Ty. He paced the room swearing to kill them both with his bare hands. Until I reminded him that honor belonged to me, and me alone. It felt a bit over the top considering he didn’t grow up with us. He’d never even met Jenalyn until nearly a week ago.
Don’t mistake my appreciation that he cares so much. It’s what we do as brothers, it just seemed odd. Something felt off and I can’t place it. Yeah, I’ll be keeping a close eye on him.
I told Pres afterward we were official, this time for good. His reply? “Bout’ damn time, Son! You better make an honest woman out of my Princess, and soon.” Both of his large broad hands had been placed on top each of my shoulders. Pres isn’t a small man. Definitely not one to fuck with, either. That’s why when I swear I saw the faintest of water form in his eyes for a moment only to subside, I felt uneasy yet again. Things like this are usually foreboding. At least that’s how I interpret them.
Of course, all my brothers clapped and fucking teased me in their own right with similar banter including my own pops.
Pres wants the club as a whole to take out both Littlejohn and whoever this B.D.L. character is. Although we’re pretty sure it’s fucking Dane. Nausea and rage rise to the back of my throat just thinking of this fucking pussy.
I told Pres that was fine. My only request being that I personally get to be the one to take their lives. To actually look into their slithering eyes as they take their last breath. He agreed without hesitation. Said I couldn’t have his Princess otherwise. Once again, it felt to me like he already expected my request, like he needed for me to assert myself.
Ace and I live in the same housing subdivision. Joker and Ty are roommates living about five miles from Ace and I in an apartment. Thinking of which, I need to pick Joker’s brain about Ty.
Ace is gonna come stay with Jenalyn and I for extra security. As soon as we have everything in order and all the information we need, we’ll get those bastards and bring them back here.
I can feel my grin begin to form as the thoughts of all the ways I will torture them start teasing my brain. How they will never harm another single hair on my girl’s head.
One thing easing my thoughts right now is the fact that she didn’t have a nightmare last night.
Speaking of which, I look down at her still sleeping so peacefully. God damn she’s so fucking perfect and beautiful. Even sleeping she looks so beautifully delicate. Although I know better. She’s definitely no delicate, wilting flower. She’s the best of both worlds, and she is my entire world.
Watching the slow paced rise and fall of her shallow breaths as she sleeps eases me momentarily. Until my eyes lock onto her beautiful tits during the process. I’m a man for fuck’s sake. I can’t help but notice her. Every little bit of her.
As if she could feel my eyes on her she awakens. Her eyes still sleepy as she looks up at me forming the biggest grin I’ve ever seen from her. It must be contagious, because my own smile covers my face.
Her voice a bit dry and raspy. “Morning, babe.”
“Morning, babygirl.” I lay a kiss on her forehead furthering her grin as she stretches.
Sitting up completely, she rests her head on my shoulder. “You’re up kind of early,” she says to me inquisitively.
“Just excited about taking you to my house today.” I deflect her inquisition. “Mmmm all the things I’m gonna do to you and where,” I tell her as my dick stiffens at the very truth of that.
Pulling away from me abruptly, an irritated look crosses her face. “Fucking gross!” she looks at me and I’m honestly shocked. What did I say that grossed her out?
“I just thought of something. You fucked Roxie all over this bed I just slept in with you. I think I’m gonna be ill and…”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “When they repainted, and installed the new windows I ordered a new fucking mattress and nobody’s fucked on it…yet.” I shut her down.
Not giving her the chance to finish her sassing, I roll her onto her side and take her again from behind. If I hadn’t made myself clear these first few times, I’m making it clear now. This will be her new normal. If she ever thinks she’s leaving for California or anywhere else, it will be over my dead body.
Chapter 13
Breathless, I just lay here once again comforted by Justice’s arms after he owned my body. As much as I mentally want to fight him sometimes, my body betrays me. I continue to find myself loving and succumbing to him without question, or even fear, which in itself is a bit frightening when I think about it. Loving him carefree without restriction, or even caring that he will never leave the club. The very thing that I wanted desperately to spread my wings and fly away from at one point.
The irony in the whole situation is I find myself realizing slowly just how much I missed my family-this whole family. The bond we all share. How we are all just there for one another without question, blood or not.
The chance to actually go to a stellar art school played a part in all of this. Yet, here I lay finding the most comfort in the one thing I believed I was truly running from. My disdain for the club life ruled a part of my life, and the fear of never knowing the world outside of it ruled the rest. That meant loving Justice as deeply as I did, and becoming his ‘Ol Lady would keep me here forever. This is, well was, all so fucked up.
Art is something I will never give up on, either. This town is too small for the kind of gallery I want. Justice will just have to compromise with me there.
As the door flies open without even a knock Justice and I both jump. I cover myself, and he is on his feet bare ass naked pointing a gun in that direction before I can even blink. God dammit, what is he? A fucking ninja?
Blocking his eye’s view with his hand. “Geez bro, put some fucking clothes on,” Ace sneers.
“Fucking hot, Jen. That’s my girl,” Tess says verbally high-fiving me. “I knew he was hung like a horse…” Her words are cut off by Ace’s throat clearing in disapproval and my eyes turning cold as I zero in on her.
Justice quickly covers his dick with the pistol, or at least attempts to before crawling back under the sheet covering only his lower body.
“Fucking learn to knock, motherfucker!” Justice roars.
“Seriously, Ace. We could’ve been doing anything, you asshole,” I bark out. “Now that everyone’s seen my man in all his glory, could you both leave and we’ll meet you downstairs in a bit. Dressed.”
Like nails on a fucking chalk board, Roxie’s screeching voice breaks free and echoes throughout the room. “Everyone’s seen what?” she questions intruding into Justice’s room and life, once again.
Eyeing Tess up and down her dislike is written clear across her face. “Who’s this new skank?”
Squaring off her shoulders, Tess is none too pleased. “Say what, bitch?” she says as she gets in Roxie’s face.
Ace steps in between them. “Get the fuck outta here, Roxie.” He gently pushes her trying to put some distance between her and Tess-but not before Roxie punches Tess right in the jaw.
Before I know it, my feet make contact with the floor. Roxie kicks at me catching me this time and it causes me to fall to the ground, but my adrenaline is pumping so hard and fast through my veins I find ground beneath my feet quickly. Now wearing boxer briefs, Justice grabs Roxie holding her like she’s in a strait jacket. She’s completely immobile.
“Let her go, Jus! I’m about to beat this bitch to the point she remembers my name all right. Only she’ll forever associate it with the day she nearly lost her life,” I yell and demand.
Still holding the dumb bitch as she tries desperately to wriggle her way out screaming obscenities-Justice makes a demand of his own. “No, Jen. Go put some fucking clothes on. Now.”
Shaking my head to
answer no. “After I beat this bitch within an inch of her life, I’ll think about it.”
Someone behind me threw a T-shirt and it landed on my shoulder before falling to the ground. Fuck it. I’ll fuck her up commando with only a T-shirt.
So, I quickly put it on and Justice releases her instantly and my right fist connects immediately with her jaw knocking her to the ground. I straddle her and continue my vicious assault on her face while she tries blocking each punch. “Nobody fucking hits my best friend you fucking cunt! Justice is not your man, you crazy ass bitch!”
I’m still throwing punches as Justice drags me off of her. The remaining punches connect with thin air. “She’s knocked the fuck out babe! Damn.”
Shaking and still cussing Justice tries to capture me back mentally. “Babe…Babe, look at me,” he continues until our eyes finally connect and he draws me in close to that safe place only he can fulfill.
Like a stampede of bulls, most of the men, including my father come barreling in the room.
My dad is the first one through the door. “What the fuck is this mess?” he asks looking at Roxie, then me. “God dammit Jenalyn you’re bleeding. You’ve cut your knuckles. You did this I assume?” he asks gesturing towards Roxie.
As if on cue, Justice, Ace, and Tess speak in unison. “She had it coming.”
I just huff out and roll my eyes at the familiarity. “Yes, Daddy. You don’t understand, though…”
My father holds his hand up toward me. “Joker?”
“Yeah, Pres,” he answers.
My father just gives him this glare while puffing on his cigar.
“You got it, Pres,” Joker says.
They’ve just silently communicated and my stomach churns at the thought. I hate the bitch, but I don’t think she deserves a death sentence. Only I can’t argue with my father about his club. Roxie feels scorned, and is a complete loose cannon. I understand their need to do whatever it takes to protect the club, even if I don’t always agree.