Riding Resistance: Soul Shifterz MC Read online

Page 19

  “Now calm your ass down and have a seat Jenalyn Strong,” My father says in his deep serious voice. The one you don’t question, or even blink wrong to.

  I turn back around, but I do not sit. I am pushing the boundaries now, but I don’t fucking care.

  “Ty’s twenty-nine, Princess. Do the fucking math. It was five years before you were even born. Your mom and I were together just over a year before you were born. Her name was Londa, or Yolanda as her birth certificate states. She was a dancer, okay. It was a one-time thing, never even knew I had a son. When I found this out, I kept it a secret from everyone. Even had a paternity test done. Paperwork’s in my personal safe. There’s a copy in that file he has. There’s also a form I’ve already filled out with my attorney to have his last name changed, if he chooses.” My father looks at Ty gauging his reaction, and I do the same.

  Ty looks like he’s reminiscing, or trying to piece some of this together himself. Maybe some parts he really didn’t know himself. I place my hand on my belly thinking of my son, and how Ty was somebody’s son, he is somebody’s son. My daddy’s, he’s also my brother and while I’m still trying to process all of this myself, my heart aches for Ty. I approach him from behind and place my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me and sighs with what sounds like relief. Relief that we, I, am accepting him and all of this.

  My daddy carries on once he notices my gesture, and I see water threatening to build in those green eyes of his. His stubbornness won’t ever let tears actually fall, though. “I’m telling you both this because you needed to know, dammit. I wish I’d told you both sooner, well at least you Princess, but you had just come home. I was hoping we’d have more time, and I wouldn’t be telling you both this from a damn hospital bed. I’ve added Ty to my will…”

  “Daddy! Don’t even talk like that!” I begin.

  He holds his hand up gesturing me to stop talking. “I know you don’t want to think about it, Princess. Hell, I don’t either, but it needs to be talked about now listen. Ty, son, I wish things had been different for us too. Wish I had gotten the chance to see you grow into the man you are. I shoulda been there, and I wasn’t. I can’t change any of that now, but if given the chance, I want you to know that…that…I do. God dammit.” My daddy lets out a small chuckle. “I love ya. Princess, your mom already knows too. She’s never once been upset at me, only that we were all denied him as a family member for so long. Now you two get over here and give your pops, not just your Pres, a hug before they wheel me off.”

  I lean in and hug my daddy and the tears begin to stream and stain my cheeks. I look over at Ty who looks awkward and lost trying to hug the man he’s called Pres for so long, only he’s hugging his own father. I see tears begin to fall from Ty’s eyes as he cannot control them any longer. Again I think about my own baby, and how I never ever want him to know anything but love and affection from his family. We will always be there for him. I smile at Ty and his eyes catch mine and he smiles back like a brick house has been lifted from his soul.

  As we both pull away I want to give my daddy a little more incentive to keep fighting and pull through. “Since we’re letting skeletons out of the closet and all, you’re gonna be a grandpa, Daddy. I’m pregnant. Guess that makes you an uncle in more than one way, Ty.”

  There is nothing but silence and I begin to panic, maybe I took it too far and I begin to immediately regret it. Shit.

  My daddy looks at me serious. “You mean to tell me Justice knocked my little girl up? There’d better be a damn wedding, and soon. You send his ass up here to me.”

  “Daddy, no. This is a good thing. I mean, we didn’t plan it, but we’re happy and just think, another future member of the Soul Shifterz. He is a part of your legacy, Daddy,” I say trying to encourage good thoughts from him.


  “It’s just a hunch, Daddy. But I can already picture him sitting on his daddy’s Harley, like you did with me when I was little.”

  Oh, no. I look up at Ty hoping I didn’t just say something so extremely rude and it hurt him, but he’s standing there smiling. He notices my concern and keeps smiling, and just nods to let me know he’s just fine.

  “I’m gonna be a grandpa,” my father says as a smile envelops his face. He looks over at Ty. “My little girl is gonna have a baby of her own, the club a new member, my legacy ensured.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I just said that.”

  “We’re having a huge barbecue when I’m out of this place. Your momma know?”

  I look down at the ground as I am cornered with his question and do not wanna cause any conflict.

  “Of course she does. I don’t blame y’all for worrying, y’all have both been through a lot. I’m happy for you, Princess. Both of you. You and Justice were always meant to be-you could tell it from the time y’all were kids. I’m proud of you, now go get Justice and send his ass up here.” His excited, playful tone turns a little more serious right there at the end.

  That reminds me, I have a brownie sundae probably melted downstairs by now. All I want to do is brush my teeth though. “Okay, I’ll send him up,” I say as I exit the room leaving Ty behind with my father.

  Chapter 25


  “If she’s not back in one minute I’m going up there, and I don’t give a fuck. This club is my family, that’s my Pres, but Jen and our baby are my top priority,” I growl out as my frustration builds to worry and pure anger taunts me. She should know better than to put me through this. The last month, and few weeks especially have been nothing but fucking emotional torture, causing me to be overly paranoid.

  Lorna just crosses her arms as I rant and pace the floor. “She’s with Ty. You should know by now you can trust him, now calm down before you become the next patient.”

  On cue, right before I felt as though I was gonna spontaneously combust inside, my everything walks into the room and I can tell she has cried. Her damp, tear stained cheeks cannot hide that fact, yet she’s gleaming. Almost cheerful, and feeling comforted.

  “Hey, babe. Let me brush my teeth and I’ll be right out,” she says gleefully as she waltzes right past me, to her bag, grabs her toothbrush and heads into the bathroom.

  That’s it? Am I fucking hallucinating how okay she’s pretending this is?

  “Told ya. Nothing to worry about at all.” Lorna throws out at me. “I’m going back up to your father’s room sweetheart, he just texted me. I’ll see you later so we can talk about everything. Unless you need me now, sweetie?”

  My head switches to Jen in the bathroom with a mouthful of toothpaste, she just shakes her head answering no, and even offers Lorna a smile through the mirror.

  Lorna begins to walk out and I help her along before shutting the door behind her. They are keeping fucking secrets now and my girl is roaming about these fucking hallways unprotected. This is completely fucking unacceptable.

  I stand there, arms crossed and in front of the door in case Jen tries to leave before explaining this shit. She strolls out of the bathroom and packs her toothbrush up again.

  “There.” She looks at me with the biggest smile that quickly turns to a straight line. “Have I done something wrong, Jus?”

  I take a minute to stare at her as she knows she sent me on a fucking craving run, only to disappear as soon as I leave.

  “Your sundae is in the freezer at the nurse’s station. They were thoughtful enough to let me store it there until my out-of-her-mind woman came back. Look, it’s one thing to leave this room with a brother, but to come walking back in here without anyone? And now you apparently have some god damn secret, but your mom is privy to and I am not?” My tone is now escalating. “I can tell you’ve been crying, most likely been sick as you went straight for your toothbrush. You left your phone down here, so I couldn’t even text or call you.” I walk toward her and cup her delicate face as I lower my tone. “I never want to feel like I did that day…” I can’t even finish as the range of emotions begin to resurface, and I men
tally am not ready to go back there. Not sure I will ever be ready.

  She places her dainty hands on top of mine before she breaks down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. My dad asked to speak to me, and…and,” her breathing becomes erratic so I help her to sit on the bed.

  Oh, this crying all the time is gonna make me a fucking sissy. Every damn time she does this, I instantly regret what I’ve said or done. I gently stroke my hand through her hair and pull her into the safety of my arms with the other.

  It takes her a minute before she starts to speak again. “My father’s surgery is this evening. That’s probably what he’s telling my mom right now.” She looks up into my eyes with her near translucent blue-green eyes filled with puddles of tears awaiting their departure like the rest. “Ty is my half-brother, Jus,” she says before burying her face back into my chest.

  Thoughts cram and begin congesting my mind. I wanna know how this is possible. I wanna know all the details, but am not sure if I should ask her, or wait for her to tell me. Why would Ty never say a fucking word if this is true?

  She pulls free and looks back up at me and I exhale knowing she’s about to feed my soul exactly what it needs in this moment without me having to doubt myself. “It was before he met my mom. Her name was Yolanda, or Londa. My father did all the necessary research to verify apparently. Ty has known for years and never said a word. It’s all in my daddy’s safe, and Ty has a file of everything my father has, and knows. It explains his special interest in me I suppose. You, and even I at one point became suspicious of him. All the while he was just looking after me, Jus. Oh my god! I’ve got to go find him.” The revelation and apparently saying it out loud just hit her hard.

  “Calm down, baby. Give yourself a few more minutes at least to process. We can figure all this out and in time. We don’t have to rush through everything today. You need your rest, and you’ve already been discharged, so we can go home. You can at least get a few hours of sleep before Pres’ surgery.” I tug at the button on her stretchy type jeans letting her know I’m thinking of what’s on the other side, our baby.

  Jen grabs my fingers and plays and twists them with hers while looking down. “You’re right. It really is a lot to take in and I just really need a nap right now. Take me to the clubhouse, will you? It’s closer.”

  I cringe at the thought because Littlejohn is there in the basement and I never want Jen to have to see him again, yet she wants to go there rather than our house-so we will go there.

  “Sure, baby. You want to eat that sundae now, before we go?” I ask as I kiss her temple.

  She gives me a disgusted look. “Eww, no, the thought makes me sick.”

  It was all she could even think about thirty minutes ago, now it’s the most disgusting thing in the world?

  I rub my brow. “Okay then. Joker already packed your small suitcase in the SUV, I’ll carry your bag out.”


  I made Justice stop on the way to the clubhouse and grab me a big juicy cheeseburger, and a brownie sundae which he rewarded me with, along with flared nostrils and a deep sigh. I can’t help my cravings, they come and go. We ate and then both fell fast asleep on his bed, only now I’m awake and we have a little over an hour before daddy’s surgery. Just enough time for me to sneak down to the basement, come back up and have a shower.

  Very quietly, I sneak out of bed, and Justice is so exhausted he doesn’t notice. I look at him and feel bad. If he wakes up and I’m gone again, he’ll really go ballistic, but I have just got to get my hands on this fucking scumbag who nearly killed me and my daddy. Justice will never allow it, so this is the only choice I have considering Jus thinks I’m too fragile to handle such things. Especially now that I’m pregnant.

  I tip toe down the stairs and am immediately startled by Demon who takes a step in front of me. “Can’t let you down here, miss Jenalyn.”

  He is one of the newest club members and I do not know him well, at all really. Aside from small talk with my daddy. He is extremely large, and downright scary looking. I swear he towers over Justice. I feel extremely tiny and vulnerable, but he has this ability and aura about him. The way he just spoke to me was stern, but nothing but pure respect for me. He carries himself stoically. There is quite literally no emotion or any form of tone in his voice.

  “Look, um, Demon.” I laugh a bit nervously. “Whose orders?”

  “Justice’s miss Jenalyn,” he answers me.

  “Hmmm, is Justice your Pres?” I don’t give him time to answer before I continue. “No, he’s not. My daddy is, and seeing as that is the one you take orders from and he’s currently in the hospital, hopefully you get where I’m going with this?”

  He just shakes his large head answering no. I’m unsure if he’s answering no as in he doesn’t understand, or no as in he’s not letting me through. Guess it’s a good thing I brought my nine millimeter down here in the back of my pants.

  I pull it out and point it at his knee while looking at his face, and into his eyes. “Listen up because I’m only gonna say this once before I start fucking blowing your knee caps off. That motherfucker over there partook in nearly killing my father, me, and my unborn baby. I’m hormonal, and not in the fucking mood for all this macho man bullshit where you all treat me like some fucking glass doll that’s gonna break. Now, all I’m asking for is five minutes or less to say a few words to this twisted fuck, and I’ll leave you alone. Would you not agree I deserve at least that much?”

  Demon never even flinched or batted an eye which is kind of frightening in itself, but I sure hope he doesn’t call my bluff, because I might just scream in frustration and wake Justice.

  “Five minutes, and I stand close enough there isn’t even a chance he can get to you,” Demon answers.

  I approach Littledick as he’s most assuredly earned every foul word known to man. He’s chained, shackled, and gagged against the brick wall. Stripped down to his boxers, and he fucking reeks of urine and feces. Demon hands me a cloth to cover my face. There is a table with an array of torture devices, most of which I’ve never seen, but I do notice a screwdriver, and a miniature blow torch that I’ve seen Justice use as a lighter before, interesting. There is also a leather whip.

  I slap him across his bare stomach as hard as I can with the leather whip. “Wake up motherfucker.”

  His sleepy eyes come open and he attempts to scream out as I draw blood with that one, but he is unable due to his gag.

  “Thought you’d never see me again, huh? That you had done away with me and my daddy for good? Wrong!” I lash out across his bare stomach once more before setting it back down on the table as he again makes some whimper I do not care about.

  I pick up the torch lighter. “You see, we are all family here. You mess with one, and you mess with all of us. I may not get to kill you myself, but I will make sure you die a very, very slow and painful death.” With one press of the button I turn on the torch lighter, and graze it back and forth across his chest and his disgusting nipples as I know that has got to be a very sensitive place. I would burn his fucking balls off, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even have a set, and if he does, they’re so disgusting it would scar me further. The bastard tries screaming out and tears, snot, drool, and piss all expel from his body. I tilt my head a little to the side in a sarcastic attempt to give a damn, before covering my mouth with my hand dramatically. “Oh, no. Does this hurt? Wonder what it felt like when my daddy was struck by your brother’s bullet right here?” As I hold the flame over the right part of his chest, burning and singeing his flesh as it coils into a blister. “This probably is painless in comparison I’d say.” I stop my assault on him with the torch.

  “There’s plenty more to come motherfucker, and just think, that was by little ‘ol me. Wait until Justice gets his hands on you.” I knee him as hard as I possibly can in his balls before turning my back on him.

  I look up at Demon who nods at me. I do the same, then head back upstairs.

p; Once I make it back upstairs I find Justice still asleep and I let out a deep sigh of relief as I head to his closet to get a fresh change of clothes to take a shower and wash the disgusting feeling off of me.

  “Hey, baby,” Justice says rubbing his eyes as he opens them. “Is it about time to go?”

  I grab a tank and a fresh pair of my ripped jeans out of his closet. “Yeah, I’m just gonna shower first before we head up there.”

  “Sounds like a good idea, want any company?” he asks as he gently grabs my shoulders from behind, and trails tiny kisses up my neck sending a quiver throughout my entire body. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Chapter 26


  My heart is pounding as we enter the hospital and as we reach the sixth floor ICU, I begin shaking. Then I realize suddenly everything I had forgotten, everything I need to tell my dad, and everything I ever wanted to tell him. Thoughts are skipping around in my mind and I don’t even know where to begin or why I am even freaking out this badly.


  “What is it, baby? You’re trembling,” he replies as he draws me into him from behind.

  “I was supposed to tell you to come up here, earlier today and I forgot.” I break down. “I’ll fix it. It’s my fault, and my daddy will understand.”

  He turns me around. “Babygirl.” He lifts my chin until my watery eyes meet his. “It’s fine. Stop worrying about that. I’ll take all the blame if I need to. Right now, I need you to focus, okay? We’re about to both go in there and see him. If he needs to speak to me privately, he’ll tell me. You hearing me, Jen?”

  I shake my head as he wipes away my tears, locks his fingers with mine, and we are granted entrance to my daddy’s room.

  To my surprise, everyone is here, and the hospital staff is allowing it. I can hear all the laughing and familiar voices as we approach my daddy’s room. It is packed solid. All you can see are Soul Shifterz MC cuts as it lights the room up from all the yellow and black.