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Riding Resistance: Soul Shifterz MC Page 8

  Tess leans into me asking, “And the tall dangerous looking man that hastily took my luggage?”

  “That’s Justice,” I tell her before I narrow my eyes at her, letting her know he’s not on the fucking menu.

  “I knew it,” she replies. “You didn’t waste any time.”

  “Eh, it’s a bit more complicated. Just get into the damn Tahoe,” my request coming out a bit more demanding than I intended.

  “Fine,” she says. “I’ll just get to know his hottie of a brother a little better.”

  Did she really just call Ace a hottie? I mean, he is a good looking man like his brother. I just didn’t suspect Ace or any biker for that matter to ever be called a hottie by Tess.

  She’s a little shorter than me, dark brown hair and very into the latest designer fashions as her appearance today has further proven. Oh boy, she’s gonna regret that when she meets my entire family. They will look at her in her denim skinny jeans and heels and tease her.

  I get back into the backseat and Justice looks more than annoyed. He looks pained.

  “Jus, what’s wrong?” I ask him.

  He gives me a serious look and growling at me, says, “Nothing’s wrong. Put your damn seat belt on, woman.”

  Tess looks back as his tone startles us all. I think he might actually be in pain.

  I just smile at her. “Tess this is Justice.” I look over at him as he is becoming more annoyed looking by the second. “Justice this is my best friend, Tess I’ve told you about.”

  As if he didn’t miss a lesson one in sarcasm class. “Wait. The Tess you’ve told me about? I honestly don’t know shit about Tess. Except she’s your friend from Cali.”

  After giving him my best death glare, I turn back to smile at Tess as I notice the shock on her face. “And just think, this is him being polite.”

  Tess turns back around as Ace is wasting zero time flirting with her. She loves attention, and it appears she’s eating it up so I turn my attention back toward Justice.

  “Seriously? I know you’re in pain, but could you please show a hint of manners, dammit. This is my best friend. She’s helped me through so much. For me Jus, please?” I ask.

  “Fine,” he agrees.

  “Thanks for only bringing two suitcases, Tess. That was very thoughtful of you. You could teach Jenalyn a few things,” he spouts off.

  Tess just smiles a very shaky confused grin.

  “Dammit Justice.” I bat his uninjured arm.


  The soreness in my shoulder is manageable, but I could still use a beer or six right now. Since I don’t have that in here, I’ll settle.

  “Hey, Tess.” She quickly turns around looking at me almost as if she’s afraid of me. “There’s a bottle of Ibuprofen in that console, you mind handing it to me?”

  “S-sure,” she replies as if she couldn’t wait to escape my inquiry and eye contact.

  She searches around in the console for a second, then hands me the bottle. “Umm, you all know there’s a gun in there, right?”

  Ace and I both cannot control our outburst and laughter escapes us. Tess’ cheeks turn pink.

  Through his laughter, Ace manages to speak somehow. “You’re not in Cali anymore, babygirl.”

  “That’s enough!” Jenalyn’s sharp demand shuts Ace up immediately, but as hard as I try, my laughter slowly fades out and back in.

  I can’t help it. This is normal for us, and so foreign to someone who seems so sheltered. It does help explain at least if only a little, why Jenalyn has all that pink shit. Five years of a completely different lifestyle, could change a person I suppose.

  Ace seems to be smoothing it over with Tess up front. For fuck’s sake, I can tell my brother already wants to fuck this girl. This shit better not cause problems between Jenalyn and I or I’ll likely strangle him myself.

  Poor girl, I’m sure this is nothing like she expected. She’s seen a gun that she reacted to as if it were a bomb in the vehicle waiting to self-detonate. I’ve been a dick. I sort of want to feel bad. I’m actually trying to, but I don’t know this girl well enough yet to trust her.

  Chapter 10


  Arriving back at the clubhouse we are greeted outside by Pres and my pops. They both look like statues standing there in all their authority with their arms crossed.

  Burkes comes walking out behind them. Not only is he the town’s police chief, he’s on our payroll.

  “Meeting room, now!” Don orders.

  I look at Jenalyn. “Take Tess and why don’t y’all grab a bite to eat in the kitchen, huh? You two are welcome to go up to my room also if you want. There’s a gun in my top dresser drawer just in case.” I bend down planting a kiss on top of her head.

  “We’ll be fine, babe. Go! Before my father kills you,” she replies.

  “Daddy!” Jenalyn yells out, then jogs up to him with me quick on her heels. “His shoulder is bleeding. He busted a stitch and needs to see Clarke ASAP!” she begs.

  Eyeing his daughter, then me. “I’ll have Clarke assess him during the meeting.” Pres is looking at me questioningly. Sizing me up in a challenging manner. I can tell his thoughts are teetering on what exactly to do with me.

  I understand his reaction. He didn’t take it well when Jenalyn left, considering he was well aware we’d been intimate. In our lifestyle, you don’t mess with anyone outside the club babes-especially one of our own and not make them your ‘Ol Lady. Most especially the Pres’ daughter. I’m lucky my head is still intact with my body.

  He punished me in his own way, though. I was basically bitch boy for a solid year. Snubbed out of important meetings, errand runner, and my favorite? Fucking janitor and babysitter of club members. If I never clean up another puddle of vomit it’ll be too soon.

  My anger built slowly over that year eventually becoming my advantage. Pres slowly started letting me go on runs with him and one day my switch was flipped when we were attacked. By the time the others had their guns drawn, I’d already killed three of the four men. The fourth was severely injured so we brought him back to the clubhouse. Pres ordered me to get the information needed out of him as he watched.

  I have no special training but I do know after that day, Pres started allowing me back in on everything. Within three months I was his personal enforcer. Joker had always been the solo enforcer. It was put to a vote, although we all knew it’s what Pres wanted. So even if it had been voted down, I’m not sure it would’ve mattered at that point.

  Life had made my heart cold and dark. I love what I do and the brotherhood we all share. I have taken more lives than I care to admit, but it’s who and what I am. I’m a killer and I don’t give the slightest fuck what anyone thinks about it. Most of my kills have been upon order. Other times, Pres just tells me to use my judgement.

  It’s very different this time with Jenalyn. So different. She’s completely mine and before Pres starts worrying, I’m gonna set his mind at ease.

  I fucking hate leaving her right now, but this is just another part of this life. It comes with the territory. We’re both gonna have to make sacrifices. I just hope she’s fully aware of that. No choices or fucks given this go around on my part.


  The men start walking in and Tess grabs my arm. “Holy shit, girl. This is crazy. I thought we’d be going to your parent’s house then maybe get a hotel room. These guys look scary. No offense,” tilting her head as though she’s thinking, “It’s kind of hot, though.”

  “Welcome to my world, Tess.” I gesture with my arms open waiting for her to start her way inside. “Long story, but you weren’t taking no for an answer. So, here you are. Stuck here with us until we’re allowed to leave.”

  The cool, crisp air hits my face and body as we enter the clubhouse.

  Tess even praises it as she smiles and fans her face absorbing as much in as possible. “It’s hot as hell here, Jenalyn. Warn a bitch next time, would ya?”

  Laughing I head toward the k
itchen for something to drink and then maybe a bite to eat after we’ve cooled off. Naturally, Tess follows me. I look back noticing her taking in her new surroundings. Her eyes are wide and curious. She’s got to be thinking she’s entered an alternate universe. She’s used to five star hotels and dining. This should be very interesting.

  In the kitchen, we are surprisingly greeted by my mother. “There you are sweetie,” she says opening her arms as I lean into her embrace.

  Immediately she’s aware of Justice’s scent on me accompanied by an apparent hickey or mark his kisses left on the back of my shoulder. While she hugs me she points that out under her breath and through what sounds like gritted teeth. “Seems you all may have done more than just pick Tess up from the airport. You smell very strongly of leather and a certain cologne. Your father was about to lose his mind.”

  Releasing me leaving me slightly embarrassed as I can feel the heat flush my face, she opens her arms toward Tess. “You must be Tess. You are gorgeous, sweetheart. I’ve heard a lot about you from Jenalyn over these last few years. Nice to finally put a face with the name. Welcome. You girls make yourself at home, I’m going to have a beer and shoot pool with Donna.”

  Donna? Who the hell is Donna? “Mom, who’s Donna?”

  “Victor’s wife. He’s the Pres of Blazin’ Souls honey. Their two sons and ‘Ol Ladies are here also. You really have been gone too long,” she replies with a slight pout that hints of sarcasm.

  Rubbing my temples as I can barely keep up anymore, and almost don’t even wanna try.

  As I hand Tess a cold bottled water from the fridge I ask, “Care for some homemade lasagna?” I look over at Tess as I pull my head out of the fridge. My mom has the best lasagna recipe. She got it from a mutual friend of hers and Camilla’s, named Jeana.

  Jeana is a full blooded Italian and I can remember my mom, Camilla and her all drinking and laughing when Jeana would come for a visit. We never see her anymore. The last time we saw her was at Camilla’s funeral, and just the thought of Camilla makes my heart ache for Justice. Hell, all of the Paine family. A mental vision of Savanna suddenly floods my mind.

  Confusion covers her face. “Hello space cadet. Are you talking about food, as in something leftover? Like you’re gonna nuke that shit in the microwave?”

  Normally I would be insulted as my mom’s homemade lasagna is top notch like I said. I’ll cut her some slack though, as I understand Tess is still figuring out this new world she’s plunged herself into.

  “Yes. It’s either that, or starve to death. Your call.”

  “I mean, I’ll try it I guess,” she says in a snarly voice.

  I put the food into the microwave and begin heating it, but not before I roll my eyes. Fuck, is this how I came home acting like?

  “Oh girl, if you expect to last more than five minutes around here, you’re gonna have to rid yourself of that snobby sounding attitude. Otherwise, they will make it their mission to make you miserable.”

  Tess looks hurt by my words and now I feel like an ass. “Look I’m sorry, it’s just this is completely different than where you come from. I know you just wanted to come out here and check on me. You know I love you for that. I’m just trying to help you here. I know I’ve come across abrasive, shit has just been so crazy. You’ve actually done okay to be honest. Rule number one. Never ask questions. Pretty much everything is on a need-to-know basis,” I say as I wink at her.

  “But what did you mean earlier by allowed to leave? Am I like a prisoner for now?” she pushes.

  The microwave dings and I take our plates out, grab forks and hand her a plate and fork. “Tess, that’s a question.” I take a bite of my mom’s lasagna, and with a mouthful of food I answer, “But basically, yes and no.”

  “Good grief, Jen. Who are you right now?” she questions my manners.

  I pause, and before I can answer her, my resting bitch face answers for me.

  “All righty then,” Tess says taking her first bite of the lasagna. “Holy shit, Jen. This is amazing.”

  Giving her a partial grin. “I know, right. I’ve so missed my mom’s cooking.”

  Never saying a word, I make a mental note at her speaking through a mouthful as well. I feel like we both always knew there was a different side to one another. One that wasn’t so proper. Giving the saying ‘fake it till ya make it’ a whole new meaning.

  After finishing up our food, I clean up our dishes and we head to the club bar for a drink. I need a nice warm shower right now and clean clothes, Tess probably does too. I’ll have one of the guys haul her luggage up here, later. Plus, I think we both could use a drink after today.

  Oh, shit. Where is Tess gonna sleep I wonder.

  “What? What’s that look for, Jen? You were thinking about something,” she inquires.

  “Uh…nothing. We’ll worry about it later,” I say as I grab two small glasses and a bottle of whiskey. We have a small fridge behind the bar. Warm whiskey just sounds gross. Hell, any whiskey sounds gross.

  “I guess we’re out of Vodka. Which actually pisses me off because everyone here knows that’s my drink of choice,” I say with agitation.

  “You good with this?” I ask holding the bottle of Jack Daniels up to Tess.

  “Does it contain alcohol?” she replies rhetorically. “That’s all I care about at this point.”

  I don’t wanna stay down here. Who knows how long the guys will be. I wanna head up to Justice’s room and chill out finally with Tess. Catch up a bit even though it’s only been a few days.

  Unfamiliar voices interrupt my plan, and Tess and I both turn around.

  There’s a tall beautiful blonde who introduces herself as Devyn. The other is also tall and beautiful. She has dark hair with auburn streaks throughout. She introduces herself as Blayke.

  “Um, hi. I’m Jenalyn. Don and Lorna’s daughter. This is my friend Tess.”

  Devyn continues. “I’m Isaac’s ‘Ol Lady. Blayke is Lincoln’s.”

  I assume I am to know who Isaac and Lincoln are, except I don’t. I can feel Tess’ eye’s on me expecting something also.

  “You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve been away at college. Um, who exactly are Isaac and Lincoln?” I ask feeling completely dumb.

  Blayke answers this time, “They’re Victor’s sons. Twins. Well, fraternal twins. Isaac is the VP of Blazin’ Souls and Lincoln is an enforcer currently.”

  Tess nudges me and in a not so quiet whisper asks, “What’s an enforcer?”

  I don’t even look at her I just mumble through gritted teeth and a fake smile toward her, “Questions Tess, questions.”

  “Sweet. So nice to meet you two. I’m…um…well,” I struggle to explain my current situation.

  “I’m Justice Paine’s ‘Ol Lady,” I finally just blurt out.

  “Sorry to sound rude, but we were just heading upstairs. Maybe we can chat later? Okay sounds great,” I say not really giving them a chance to respond. I nudge Tess to follow me upstairs.

  Once upstairs I notice and smell the fresh paint, and newly replaced windows. My suitcases are back in Justice’s closet. Damn, looks and feels like a new room. Oh man, if Tess only knew what had happened here recently she’d most likely faint. The reminder of the man I killed racks my brain. I could never tell her I’d done something so heinous.

  “So this is where all the magic has been happening,” Tess says sipping her whiskey. She actually sounds intrigued, maybe even a bit envious.

  Is she already buzzed? I look at her glass and compare it to mine. We’ve only had a few sips. This is definitely unexpected conduct on her part. This girl can hold her liquor. I’m the lightweight.

  “Not exactly,” I answer her back.

  “Well don’t just stand there and keep it to yourself. You know I want all the juicy details about you and Mr. Scary McHottie pants.” Her eyes filled with wonder as she plops herself down on Justice’s bed.

  It’s kind of a complicated story and Justice and I have barely had any time to eve
n talk since we quite literally had sex moments before we picked Tess up. I sit down across from her on his bed.

  “Hello? Jen, you called yourself his ‘Ol Lady downstairs. I know next to nothing about bikers and MC’s, but I’ve seen those shows, ya know?” she explains through slightly puckered lips and stern eyes.

  Art, or shows rather, imitating life. There’s always a bit of truth to some fiction. That’s my belief anyway.

  Her words force a response from me. Only it’s laughter versus what she was expecting I’m sure. I slam the rest of what’s in my glass and pour another.

  She does the same in response while furrowing her brows. “What? That means you two are together, right?”

  “Yes. But it just literally happened. On the way to get you. Tess, it…he was amazing.” I throw my head backward because just thinking about it makes my clit throb and my core ache something fierce. I slam down the rest of my second glass. “He’s so different now. So…demanding, and I actually like it.”

  Her eyes are wide and her mouth is hanging wide open at my declaration. I reach over and push up on her chin closing her mouth. Only to have her open it again and slam her second round of whiskey, too.

  We each pour ourselves our third round and she begins asking me about Ace. “What about Ace?” She slyly throws out there while twirling her index finger around in her drink.

  “Oh no you don’t. You’re definitely buzzed if you’re even entertaining the thought of a biker,” I say through a sarcastic giggle.

  “Not for like a boyfriend, or anything serious. I mean maybe for a friend who visits with benefits,” Tess says through pursed lips as she looks up and nervously taps her foot against the bed.

  I bat her on the arm and tease her. “You dirty little slut.” We both bust out in laughter.

  “What’s so bad about that? I’ve never ridden a bike or a biker, maybe it’s time to change that,” she retorts.